I Published a Book
My father has written funny poetry for kids since he became a grandfather. I have published a collection of his best work. The book is called Bubble Gum Blues and Other Funny Poems for Kids and it’s available now on Amazon as a paperback and as a Kindle book. Here is a Description of the Book. Meet…
Names and Invisibility

On the first day of my 12th grade British Literature class, I chose a seat in the front row. The teacher had a great reputation and I wanted to be right up front in what I hoped would be a great class. The teacher asked each of us to say our names. When I said…
Teachers and Magicians

Sometimes good teaching looks like magic. But like many things, it’s the result of intentionality, planning, practice and effort – all things that are invisible to the eye of the student or the classroom visitor. I spend a lot of time thinking about what goes into good teaching. What might surprise you is that I’ve…
Beyond “Behavior Intervention” – Classroom Discipline For Teachers

When I was a new teacher, my principal gave me a 768-page book called Behavior Intervention Manual. It contained hundreds of strategies for changing students’ troublesome behavior. “Does it have all the answers?” I asked the principal. “Just read it,” she said. As if. Fortunately I found something better. Connecting with Students,…
Reflecting On Your Teaching Practice – 4 Painless Tips

Imagine you had a fairy godmother who could tell you – in advance – exactly where your lesson plan was going to go wrong. Or exactly where you could make a little tweak or hack, that would transform your fine (or mediocre) lesson into something truly powerful. Or even give you guidance that would cut…
How a Guy Who Hated History Makes History Come Alive

As a student, Daryl MacTavish hated history. It seemed like a collection of irrelevant and isolated facts. Somehow, however, a summer job turned into a career of sparking people’s interest in history, through the stories of old homes and the lives of the people who lived in them. I met Daryl on my Educational Road…